Essential qualities/desireable qualities for those applying for the role of church member…

If you really want to be part of the building of a church community then offer your weakness and limitations freely and openly. A community based on the affirmation of strengths alone produces the falsity of a degraded type of Showbiz at best (the church dominated by gifted celebrities meeting for entertainment), or the evils of Nazi Germany at worst, but not the church of Jesus of Nazareth. Weakness is fundamental to the strength of the community and fellowship the Spirit of God plants and builds. Strengths are a bonus, a gift we can offer, but not as essential to life as the reciprocal gifting of our weakness to one another, a gift we honour with mutual and collective thankfulness.

So then, let your weaknessess shine before the church and the world. Don’t despise them or think your witness would be better if only God removed them. Calling the weak!

God bless


5 comments on “Essential qualities/desireable qualities for those applying for the role of church member…

  1. Lynn Lindsay says:

    Thank you !!!!!
    Abba Bless you, Kenny !!!!!


  2. Billy says:

    That insight is a great encouragement Kenny. Thanks again.


  3. phkmsltd says:

    Thanks Kenny

    I get so much from all your posts. This is one of the very best of an excellent high standard.

    Love, Paul


  4. George Wilson says:

    Hi Kenny,
    Thanks for these words! A blessing indeed!

    Blessings to all,


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