Sleep in peace and rise tomorrow with open hands, heart and eyes…

Was a prayer not answered in the specific way you were sure it would be today? Are you distressed by that? Well, maybe before you go to sleep tonight, there is another step of faith you can take. It is marked by hope, that the Lord to whom the whole earth, its inhabitants and all that it contains belongs, has another route toward answering that you may not have thought of. As, God willing, you rise tomorrow morning to live another day on His earth, moving among its inhabitants and all that it contains, be open to your prayer being answered by unexpected means through unexpected encounters.

Growing in prayer, is learning to stay attentive with open eyes, hands and heart to how and through whom God may come to you after the prayer has been uttered. Release God’s hands from being tied to your demands as to how the answer must come. Separate out the request you made – which may well have been a request that rose from God’s Spirit within you and in line with His Will – from that insistence. Bring your prayer to Him with fresh boldness and confidence before your head hits the pillow, and then allow Him to take the matter into His own hands, to work from the vastness of His bounty, the vastness of all that belongs to Him. Rest tonight by faith and hope in the watchful love of Christ, the one who never slumbers or sleeps, the One through whom, for whom and by whom all things were made, visible and invisible. He rules over all that is His for the benefit of His people.

God bless


2 comments on “Sleep in peace and rise tomorrow with open hands, heart and eyes…

  1. Bill Frame says:

    Many thanks for this helpful message.
    May the Lord continue to bless you in this ministry.


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