Memories awakened…

Loved hearing Kenny Gillies, the recently arrived new pastor of Livingston Elim Church share a wee bit of his testimony when I was preaching in his church last Sunday morning. In a Church of Scotland in Applecross he found himself stumbling to the front of the church to receive communion. He commented that it was a bare whitewashed church building.No music being played. No texts on the wall. Nothing. But the minister there, Kenny Macdonald (Kenny Bahn) had been converted in the Lewis Revival. The presence of God was there. That day in Applecross, Kenny Gillies felt a hand on his head and was electrified with the presence of God from head to toe. He had a vision of angels dancing as they shouted “Kenny is saved!”

When will we realise all that is necessary is the manifest effectual presence of God and mourn its loss and seek His presence alone?

Leonard Ravenhill once asked why we do not have revival. His reply? “Because we are prepared to live without it.”

I met Kenny Bahn in a few occasions. He somehow managed to carry a full to overflowing cup of impact of the Lord’s heart rending, beautiful presence right into his latter years. Meeting him left me with no option or desire than to seek the face of God for myself. Others born from above in the fire of the same Revival have had the same effect on me…when in their presence I have found myself several times in bits even though they never spoke a word or spoke in Gaelic which I cannot make head nor tail of….

God bless


4 comments on “Memories awakened…

  1. Mike Gallagher says:

    Far too often we think we have to go searching for God and try to find him in obscure places but in fact he is with us always. As he said he would be. I have been suffering from poor health for most of this year. I had to have an ECG to scan my heart yesterday, I felt the Lords presence in the doctors surgery last night and peace fell upon me. I thank God he never leaves or forsakes us, he is with us at all times so we have to trust him. God bless


  2. Angela says:

    Wonderful to be in such presence… I read Leonard Ravenhill’s book a few months ago and was struck by the simple statement you quoted, ‘ we are content to be without it’; revival, that is, though its manifestation is the presence of God moving in ways I have never witnessed.
    Revivals were never advertised nor celebrated nor praised, never a mention of any came to my ears in Catholic circles. It was after the age of 24, in Church of England congregations, that I first heard of revivals by eg Billy Graham, the Welsh ones in particular. Never a word of Hebrides or anywhere north of the border.
    Recently, I have read about Biblical accounts of great outpourings of Holy Spirit on millions in order to save them, God’s great mercy to come before the very end. But also accounts of great falling away from faith into many apostatise.. the most noticeable is preaching of a kind of easy grace without need of emphasis upon repentance and power to live as Christians by in dwelling Holy Spirit.
    I am comforted that in spite of chaos in ‘Christian’ circles, God’s plans will prevail. But I am praying for millions to be convicted, repent and come fully into His kingdom.


  3. James Waldrop says:

    Just discovered your blog, Kenny…….very inspiring indeed. Thank you and I’ll be tuning in to your blogs often.


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