Deep calls to Deep….

Well, if you have not guessed it by now, I am a Presbycharicostal Christian if you must use terms. I guess that means I am a mongrel of sorts, but sometimes they are very healthy dogs remember!

Anyway, there are things about many strands of Christian expression that have blessed my mongrel make up over the years. From time to time I come across something that gels extra well with the deepest places in me that I am aware of. Today I came across a Prayer and the explanation for it, that I dare to say touched something of my Redeemed Scottish being, that is the best I can desribe the matter.

The Prayer:

“Thou art our Father, therefore our strength and light. Of which we, who are now at the chair of Thy grace, ask for a portion, so that we may have power to do Thy will, even though it be a cross.”

The explanation:

“From a prayer – once her husband’s – of a widowed woman who lived in the Island of Mull. This heart-cry broke from her every evening when she and her four children knelt together at the feet of God.”

(From “Hebridean Altars, The Spirit of and Island Race,” by Alistair Maclean.)

Thank you Lord, for our Heritage of faith. May we not despise it; may  a generation arise of all ages who find and open the wells  from which our fathers and mothers – and theirs and theirs and theirs and theirs  – drank in faith, humility and meekness and were rewarded on earth with an inheritance in you that is so  easily traded away.  Amen.

God bless


2 comments on “Deep calls to Deep….

  1. Angela says:

    Heritage of faith… oh for that to be recognised by my four sons! I am a Cathcharistosterian (if we are using terms, 🙂 )!
    Many years ago I observed how some families easily passed on their faith so that their children and grandchildren chose life in the Lord; but others experienced the heart piercing sadness of their children rejecting faith in God.
    Why? It seems to be a matter of each individual having to choose, and some children simply choose badly. We see it in OT stories of leaders/patriarchs/prophets whose offspring went awry, some even being killed by the Lord eg Aaron’s and Samuel’s.

    Like the Lord, I wish for all to be saved and none to perish for the Abu dance of human life on our planet is higher than His Abu dance in eg plants whose seeds/fruit are usually more than required, and are recycled by biodegrading naturally to enrich the soil.
    These thoughts might be a bit random but there seems no single solution to faith sharing but to do it naturally, habitually, genuinely, lovingly, prayerfully and trusting the Lord that no word returns to Him without fulfilling its purpose.

    Probably off your theme, Kenny, but it is what your post triggered in my heart this time.


  2. Angela says:

    Please change that hilarious Abu dance to abundance!!!
    Or maybe we should keep it and invent it as we perform it… LOL

    And that weird mix of terms should be

    Praise God for laughter!


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