Don’t throw it away…

There are some “words” God gives me that are for a specific person, but the principles are worth sharing.

While praying for someone in parish ministry not long ago, God gave me a word for them, but I think it is worth sharing.

The “word” came in the form of a picture. In the picture I was watching a TV programme I like to watch in real life, namely “Dragons’ Den.” You have probably seen it, but in case you have not, the format is roughly this: hopeful entrepreneurs present their ideas to a panel of  wealthy and successful business people and investors, in the hope of securing funding from them as well as the benefit fo their established expertise in the development of their proposed venture. Of course there are questions, as the Dragons try and tease out details, to see if any given presentation is as it appears.

What came to mind  in the Lord’s presence as I thought of one particular minister is a comment I heard a Dragon make in one episode of the programme. She simply said, “No, I cannot invest in this. I have worked far too hard to get where I have got to, to throw away money on this. It is not for me. I wish you well, but sorry, I’m out. I will not be investing in this.”

I felt this was true spiritually for the particular parish minister I was praying for at the time. There are few I admire more. He has consistently sought the Lord and I have seen him grow in the Lord and in effectiveness over the years. It has cost much, and I know therefore it will have inevitably cost his wife and family dearly as well. Growing in the Lord  and having a ministry that is fruitful in terms of the Kingdom of God, always does. He is humble and would be surprised to know he is one of my heroes. I know the Word of the Lord for him is that he must not throw away what he has gained in God on the suggested schemes and ventures of those within church circles, local or national,  who are sincere but have not sought God in their thinking, planning and in their proposals and suggestions that they would place upon others.

It is surprisingly common to find that many of those entrusted with positions of leadership in the church come along to leadership meetings, whatever  these gatherings may be called , with good ideas; good ideas with no God content, birthed in human reckoning, rather than in a lifestyle of seeking God for the revelation of His will, for the ability to hear from heaven. Most congregations in Scotland are dying not because of sin or evil, but because of the following of sincere and good ideas. The ideas make sense, but have no flavour of awareness of the Living God and have not been birthed in humble prayer, in fact sometimes have not been prayed about at all. The result is that in Scotland there is a prevalence of a form of godliness without power.

Make sure that you do not throw away all that God has invested in you, and all that you have invested in seeking His presence in you and through you,  into the proposed venture of human beings who think like any non redeemed human beings can think. Even if it means an eruption of human fury and wrath, stand for what God can do, stand for His wonderful deeds. In Scotland at least it  is a while since we have seen what God can do when He steps down from heaven. Though there are good things happening at this moment, there are greater things in our history and our heritage. From time to time the Israelites found themselves beginning to ask, “Where are the wonderful deeds of the Lord, our fathers told us about, when the Lord brought us out of Egypt.” From time to time I read of the wonderful things God has done in Scotland’s history in days of revival in the distant past and more recently in the last few decades,  and I ask a similar question, with a mixture of distress and faith and hope.

These are not days hospitable to Revival , or even to talk of Revival as a real event, in Scotland. I think Revival is further away than it was a few years ago. There is a depressing interest in examining our own navel in church circles at the moment, a looking at all we are doing wrong, and coming out of such an examination with another scheme for reorientation that will guarantee we become an effective church. In the face of such pressures, maybe you are one whom God is challenging to sit light to all such talk, to invest your time, your prayers your efforts into something more true to you and more true to  the God of the bible you have come to know, at the cost of a few scars to you and even, harder to bear, to your own family. Talk is cheap. Your journey has not been… hold fast to what is good.

God bless you


Signs in the heavens above and on the earth beneath…

I have over the course of many years now believed that poets and film makers are often more insightful with regard to what is coming to the earth than most. Their imagination seems to give them at times an almost prophetic insight into the way things are and the way things may yet be.

I was thinking today of a common theme in films. It could be summed up as the arrival of cataclysmic intervention into the normal course of reality. That theme can take many forms; the intervention could have a thousand and one guises, anything from a tsunami threatening the coast of a continent to invasion by aliens. The build up to the full manifestation  of the intervention onto the scene usually takes this form. Someone, somewhere, notices data that is out of step with the norm, and at first it is presumed to be some sort of glitch in a system or some sort of anomaly. However more confirming data seems to come in from unrelated sources and it becomes clear something is about to break, or to break in.

When I was praying today, just waiting upon God, it was that type of film and the build up to the intervention that God seemed to place on my mind. I felt he was using that art form to say to me look for this, pray for this to happen, in the spiritual sense; and to encourage you to look for this and pray for this too. There is coming a day for Scotland, it is not yet here, when reports of the unusual action of God breaking in to work in extraordinary power upon saint and sinner will originate from various sources, from various places. At first one or two reports will be dismissed almost out of hand, but the reports will increase numerically. It won’t be possible to tie the reports down to any common factor between them. It won’t be that the reports will come from a place associated with any name or movement that is common to them all.  It will slowly dawn upon us that God is rending the heavens and stepping down and mountains are flowing down , melting before His presence. The initial tremors of the moving of God will cause even the strong to quake, but they will be nothing compared with what is yet to come.

I see no particular signs of this as yet. Though I praise God for worthwhile ventures and good fruit in many places, I am thinking, feeling that God was speaking to me  of something more, a time that is not yet, when believers hearts will be lifted and their eyes lightened with joy and their spirits leap for joy as the Spirit bears witness within, to the action of God in the land.

I just thought I would let you know I believe for this. I hope you might believe for this too and pray for it.

God bless


Remembrance Day 2018 – simple poem, simple tune…

George Williamson Borthwick

2nd. Lieutenant George Williamson Borthwick. Born 1896. Killed in Action 1916.
My Great Uncle.

A poem, now with an added simple tune, for Remembrance Day. May it help you to think your own thoughts…

11th Hour

That we might have tomorrows
They gave their todays
11month proud sorrow
Won’t let them fade away.

How then shall we honour those
Who gave for us their all?
How raise this day the heroes
From where comrades saw them fall?

In silence we’ll remember
Listening to Flanders flowers,
Dearest blood for darkened earth
Deserves an offering of worth.

Minutes, be not be quiet,
Speak out with thunderous power!
Past, invade the present,
Their 11th hour be ours!

Will hearts awake with gratefulness,
Will green stems among us grow
From such seeds of selflessness,
From “greater love” can no one show?

(Copyright, Kenny Borthwick)

Click HERE  for a link to the tune

P.S. If you click the link you should be able to find the words of the poem below the video so that hopefully you can get words and tune together.





Some thoughts on the 11th of the 11th…

George Williamson Borthwick 2nd. Lieutenant George Williamson Borthwick: Born 1896. Killed in Action 2016.
My great uncle

These thoughts came to me as I was playing the piano.  I would like to write a tune for them but at the moment that is eluding  me. They are of course not the words of a hymn or even a spiritual song, they are not specifically Christian thoughts even, but just  a simple poem penned by a Christian,  that may be set to a tune if I have enough skill. Though I claim copyright please feel free to share with friends…. I hope my thoughts might spark off your own on the 11th day of  the 11th month.

11th Hour

That we might have tomorrows
They gave their todays,
11th month proud sorrow
Won’t let them fade away.

How then shall we honour those
Who gave for us their all?
How raise this day the heroes
From where comrades saw them fall?

In silence we’ll remember
Listening to Flanders flowers,
Dearest blood for darkened earth
Deserves an offering of worth.

Minutes, be not quiet,
Speak with thunderous power!
Past, invade the present,
Their 11th hour be ours!

Will  our hearts awake with gratefulness,
Will green stems among us grow
From such seeds of selflessness,
From “greater lovecan no one show?

(Copyright, Kenny Borthwick)