“Yes, it happened just as you said.”

My waking thoughts today were of a time when I was spiritually abused by a Servant of God. It happens. My reading today was Luke Chapter 12, which in the midst of many other themes also highlights the possibility of spiritual abuse of God’s servants by God’s servants. It seemed to be a sort of confirmation of my waking thought as being one God was giving as a thought to sustain the weary this day.

I am not sure what to do with my thought, other than to acknowledge the pain of those of you who have been spiritually abused by those in spiritual authority over you, whether that was a collective authority carried by a group of people or an authority carried by an individual.

When I try from time to time to speak about the abuse I experienced on the occasion I am referring to above, one of several, there are always those who want to offer the experience back to me in other terms, which actually feels like a continuation or reawakening of the original abuse.

I am thinking as I write of  the powerful effect of a man I had never met going down on his knees to represent those he had never met and saying to me, “Kenny, will you forgive us?” That brought about a moment of release I will never forget, a moment I would describe as miraculous.

I hope you may find a church, a pastor, a friend, or even a spiritual stranger who truly knows the Lord, who will acknowledge your pain justly and help you into freedom.

I think I have to say to some of you in closing, “Yes, it happened, just as you have said it did.”

God Bless



5 comments on ““Yes, it happened just as you said.”

  1. Lynn Lindsay says:

    Not being believed, or worse, being told you must have done something wrong or not well enough, to have it happen, only compounds the pain.
    God Bless the one who said, “will you forgive us”
    God Bless you Kenny !!!


  2. judithjamesdavies says:

    “What you too ?” ….


  3. Amanda Etheridge says:

    Dear Rev. Kenny and Morag

    Jesus said ‘Blessed are the peacemakers,for they shall be called sons of God’.

    The man who stood in the gap, totally innocent himself, was a true peacemaker as opposed to a peacekeeper. God bless him and his family for his love and faithfulness.

    Thank you and God bless you and Morag greatly.


  4. Angela says:

    With any kind of abuse, the worst aspect for hindering healing has, for me, been not being believed.
    So cruel.
    So cutting, wounding.
    So devaluing.
    So ignorant.

    But also, because it drive me to the Lover of my soul, so strengthening.


  5. Isobel mcmaster says:

    Thank you so much I needed to hear this


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